Fee Schedule

Initial phone or zoom consult complimentary
Medicare beneficiaries please contact us to discuss your benefits
Comprehensive Physical Therapy Evaluation $150
The Physical Therapy evaluation will typically require 1.5 hours. It includes a detailed interview process and a physical examination.
One hour, direct one on one treatment session $100
This session begins with an assessment of the response to the previous treatment. This requires your input regarding any change in your status compared to your last visit or following the initial evaluation.
½ hour, direct one on one treatment session $50
Similar to the 1-hour session, however, the ½ hour session will focus on either the manual therapy or exercise component, whichever is deemed to be most valuable to you and improving your problem.
Comprehensive Physical Therapy Evaluation
The Physical Therapy evaluation will typically require 1.5 hours. It includes a detailed interview process and a physical examination. The detailed interview process allows us to gather information related to the type and nature of the problem you are experiencing and to aid in identifying any possible contributing factors. If pain is a main component of the problem, we will discuss in detail the area, description, and behavior of your pain. The behavior of the pain relates to activities, movements, positions, and postures that either aggravate or ease the pain. Also important is the behavior of the pain over time. Does it change or is it different in the morning versus the evening or as the day goes on? We will also discuss the onset of your problem, any change in the problem since the onset, and any prior history of this problem. Your medical history will be reviewed to determine if any other aspects of your health may be contributing to the onset or perpetuation of this problem. From the extensive interview, we will be able to plan and carry out a physical examination that is tailored to your individual problem. The goals of the physical exam are to identify impairments in range of motion, strength, coordination, balance, and movement that may need to be addressed to help resolve your problem. We will then develop the plan of care, discuss your goals, and make an assessment of the prognosis for achieving these goals.
One Hour Treatment Session
This session begins with an assessment of the response to the previous treatment. This requires your input regarding any change in your status compared to your last visit or following the initial evaluation. We will then re-assess the primary physical exam findings and begin treatment based on this re-assessment. Treatment will typically consist of manual therapy techniques to address pain, stiffness, and loss of motion followed by therapeutic exercise and neuromuscular facilitation techniques to address impairments in strength, coordination, and timing of movement. We will then conclude the session with a review of your home program.
Half Hour Session
Similar to the 1-hour session, however, the ½ hour session will focus on either the manual therapy or exercise component, whichever is deemed to be most valuable to you and improving your problem.
The above fee schedule is subject to periodic change dependent on current economic factors or changes in health care policy. In the event of such change, all parties will be informed prior to evaluation and treatment.