About Us

We at Tidewater Physical Therapy Associates believe in a patient-centered approach.
Tidewater Physical Therapy Associates is a fee-for-service, out-of-network provider of outpatient physical therapy specializing in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal diseases and disorders. Our expertise lies in a patient-centered approach utilizing skilled manual therapy combined with therapeutic exercise and neuromuscular rehabilitation to achieve optimum therapeutic outcomes.
As an out-of-network provider, payment is due at the time of service. We will provide the necessary documentation along with a detailed invoice so that you may submit a claim to your insurance company for reimbursement. Information regarding this process is available by contacting Member Services of your insurance company. The contact information is typically available on the back of your insurance card and on their website. We will assist in guiding you through this process.
Why should I see Tidewater Physical Therapy Associates versus a provider who participates with my insurance?
This is a question that we can best answer by speaking with you directly, but briefly there are several key aspects to consider:
If using your insurance what are your out-of-pocket costs?
Do you have a high deductible you must meet prior to the insurance covering the provided service? What is your co-pay? Physical therapists are often considered specialists by the insurance companies with a higher co-pay than a visit to your primary care physician. It is not unusual for us to see co-pays of $50 – $85 per visit with deductibles of $1000 to several thousand dollars. You must meet these costs prior to your insurance company reimbursing any claims submitted by your physical therapy provider and will be responsible for any charges incurred. It is illegal for physical therapy providers to waive any co-pays or deductibles.
What is the level and value of the care you will be receiving for that high co-pay?
Often therapists in traditional practices are asked to see two to four patients per hour, offering little time for direct, one on one care. You will be performing exercises that often you can perform at home independently. They are encouraged to see you 3 times per week for 6 to 8 weeks. I know, I’ve been one of those therapists! At Tidewater, all care is provided by a physical therapist who is an expert in the field. All sessions are direct one on one care for ½ hour to one hour on a one to two times per week basis as recommended by most clinical practice guidelines published by the American Physical Therapy Association. No fluff, no filler!!
With the level of care provided, we can often help you achieve your goals in far fewer visits not only reducing your out-of-pocket cost but offering savings of a more valuable commodity – your time.